Annual Giving Directors Forum

May 8, 2025 11:30am-4:00pm ET


Annual giving leaders today are facing many challenges and a continuously changing landscape. New technology, staff turnover, economic uncertainty, and many other issues sit front and center as annual giving program leaders tackle the ongoing tasks of running their programs, engaging donors, and generating annual support for their institutions. But you don’t need to go it alone!

Join us on Thursday, May 8th for an interactive online Annual Giving Directors Forum which will provide leaders (and rising leaders!) with a platform for planning their efforts, benchmarking their progress, and addressing the most pressing issues facing annual giving programs today. Participants will have an opportunity to:

Participants will have an opportunity to:

  • Meet annual giving program leaders (and rising leaders!) from similar institutions
  • Share and discuss goals, progress, obstacles, and opportunities
  • Find out how other organizations approach their work and solve problems
  • Identify new ideas to help improve your strategies and achieve your goals
  • Earn CFRE credit
  • And more

AGN Member institutions receive 1 FREE registration to this event plus significant discounts to register additional staff. Non-members who wish to attend may do so and can apply their registration fee as a credit if they become an AGN Member within 30 days after the event. (NOTE: Only 1 person/login per institutional registration.)


(all times are EDT)

11:20am - Sign-In Begins

11:30am - Welcome

Get an overview of the program and find out how to get the most out of the day.

11:45am - Cohort Discussion 1: Program Spotlights

Meet in small groups to share and discuss goals, strategies and results from each program.

12:45pm - Break 

1:00pm - Cohort Discussion 2: Show & Tell 

Meet in small groups to share and discuss samples from each program.

2:00pm - Break

2:30pm - Cohort Discussion 3: Pain Points

Meet in small groups to share and discuss specific problems and potential solutions.

3:30pm - Wrap-up 

Hear key takeaways, lessons learned, and final words of advice from the workshop’s faculty.

4:00pm - Workshop Ends

*Note: Only one person/login per institutional registration.


Dan Allenby (Host)
President & Founder at Annual Giving Network

Dan is an author, speaker, and consultant who has worked with educational institutions for more than 25 years to improve their fundraising results. An internationally recognized expert on annual giving, he is a CASE Laureate and recipient of the prestigious Crystal Apple Award for Teaching Excellence. His book Ideas for Annual Giving offers designs for helping organizations increase their levels of sustainable philanthropic support. Dan has led annual giving and membership programs at Boston University, Tufts University, Georgetown University, and the National Geographic Society. He also served on the faculty for CASE’s Summer Institute in Educational Fundraising and chaired its Senior Annual Giving Professionals Conference and Annual Giving Workshop for five collective terms. He holds a B.A. in History from James Madison University and a M.B.A. from Boston College. Outside of work, Dan enjoys spending time with his family, writing songs, and getting away to the beaches of Cape Cod. His philosophy is that success comes from focusing on what’s right in front of you.

Adam Bradley

Adam has extensive experience in annual giving and educational fundraising. He has led programs at University of Michigan, and has previously led research and recruiting efforts at Qualigence International. He holds a B.B.A. in Marketing and a certificate in strategic leadership from the University of Michigan.

Erin Glidden

Erin Glidden is responsible for providing analysis of the intuition’s donor base and pipeline. She has led programs at the South Dakota State University Foundation and the Mid-America Council of the Boy Scouts of America. Her other experience includes marketing and sports communication. She holds a B.B.A. and a certificate in entrepreneurship and marketing management from The University of Iowa Tippie College of Business.

Michael O'Brien

Michael O’Brien has led annual giving and alumni affairs efforts at Wheaton College, Buckingham Browne & Nichols School ("BB&N") and Boston College High School. Michael’s other experience includes admissions, teaching, college counseling and international programs prior to working in development. Mike holds degrees from Boston College’s Lynch School of Education and Hobart & William Smith Colleges where he was a four-year member and team captain of Hobart’s lacrosse team.

Megan Rajski

Megan Rajski has led annual giving and donor participation programs at Fairfield University and the University of Chicago. Her other experience includes work in admissions and direct marketing. She holds a B.F.A. in Communications from Valparaiso University and an M.B.A. from University of Phoenix.

For more information about this workshop, please contact us at 888.407.5064 or [email protected].