Columbia Basin College Foundation

Posted on 11/07/2018
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Every year we do an annual Faculty and Staff Giving Campaign. We have turned it into a week long event where we invite people to participate and celebrate each other at the same time. It has been successful and now we are looking to expand into more of a challenge competition between departments to encourage participation. We have had a high turn over so we are needing to shift and engage potential new employee's to start giving.

During the duration of the campaign, each day we have an email that goes out that has opportunities to sign up and give, testimonials of our students, and little themed messages with treats that goes out to everyone. We run this during the week of Valentines Day so we also do a point of sales campaign when people can purchase valentines and then we deliver them to their colleges.

My sample is the Calendar of Events that goes out to everyone and includes all of the activities that we coordinate.

Submitted BySarah Murphy - Director for Corporate and Capital Projects
  • Faculty/Staff
  • Participation

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