Palmer College of Chiropractic

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The Advancement team partnering with Numad Group held Palmer College Giving Day as a way to rally all of Palmer Nation alumni and friends to show their pride and passion for Palmer and support our student’s success through donations. It was a multi channel approach including mailed appeals, e-mail appeal, live giving day specific page with real time updates, and social media. This campaign continues to focus on attracting new donors, and the 2024 year surpassed the previous in dollars and donors raised from new gifts. Email sent from Marie Kelly showcasing additional samples.
About the campaign:
Palmer College of Chiropractic alumni answer the call—for their profession, their colleagues, and their alma mater. That’s why this year, we’re asking you to answer the call and make a gift on Giving Day to show current and future Palmer students the impact and influence of Palmer Nation. You’re not only the hero our students need, but the hero they deserve.
The Wyvern Signal has been activated and around the world, we are rallying Palmer Nation to come together and show their pride and gratitude, to give back and inspire others to do the same.

How can you participate?

- Make your gift of any amount in support of an area or cause most important to you.

- Spread the word and win cool prizes! Show your Palmer pride and encourage others to give by sharing on social media! Anyone who shares the giving day link or promotes giving day on social media using #answerthecall or tags us will be entered to win a Palmer swag bag or Davenport Homecoming tickets. Fun graphics and sample messages can be found in our social media toolkit. Watch out for “power hours” when all social posts will receive two entries!

- Maximize your contribution by offering a match or a challenge!

- Get creative with our coloring contest for ALL ages! Download the Palmer superhero coloring sheet in the social media toolkit and color it in in or let your kids join in on the fun! Share your masterpiece on social using #answerthecall. The top three entries will win a Palmer swag bag and bragging rights

- Send 2-3 emails or texts to your peers and close friends encouraging them to participate. Bonus points if they're fellow alumni!

We are so excited for you to join us in the celebration and be a real-life hero for our students’ success.
Successes include:
- Fun theme to build excitement.
-Student participation to thank donors was well received across all three campuses.
-Received two large matching gifts and individual donations were larger than in previous years.
-Great staff involvement in doing outreach calls to lybunts and lapsed donors.
-Outreach in advance to potential advocates asking for their involvement.
-Communication with faculty/staff on ways to participate in giving day including email signature, social media toolkit and other ways to spread the word.

Submitted ByMarie Kelly - Senior Director of Advancement & Alumni Affairs
  • Affinity
  • Giving Day