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Welcome to AGN’s Sample Library. This member-only resource contains hundreds of examples from annual giving programs around the world, including fundraising appeals, stewardship communications, and volunteer materials. Use the category filters and keyword search below to explore the library now and get inspired by the work of others! Click here to submit a sample of your own.

  Institution Audience Purpose
Pitzer CollegeGeneralAppeal
Pomona CollegeParentsVolunteer Materials
Portland State UniversityGeneralAppeal
Portland State University FoundationGeneralAppeal
Presbyterian CollegeParentsOther
Princeton Day SchoolGeneralAppeal
Princeton Day SchoolGeneralAppeal
Princeton UniversityYoung AlumniAppeal
Purdue for Life FoundationGeneralAppeal
Purdue UniversityGeneralAppeal
Purdue UniversityGeneralStewardship
RAND CorporationFaculty/StaffAppeal
Randolph CollegeGeneralAppeal
Randolph CollegeGeneralAppeal
Randolph CollegeGeneralAppeal
Randolph CollegeGeneralAppeal
  Institution Audience Purpose