Leadership Gift Officer – Preworkshop Questionnaire

Thank you for taking a few minutes to complete the following pre-workshop questionnaire. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact [email protected] or 888.407.5064. 

"*" indicates required fields

1. Please review/reflect on the results of the gift officer self-assessment that you recently took and indicate one area that you would like to focus on improving in the near term. This would likely be an area where your score was relatively low compared to the others.
2. In a few words, please describe a technique, method, or approach used by gift officers BEFORE a prospect meeting that you think would be effective OR that seems unique/innovative. This could be something that you've done yourself, that you've heard of others doing, or simply something that you think would be worth trying. Feel free to be creative!
3. In a few words, please describe a technique, method, or approach used by gift officers DURING a prospect meeting that you think would be effective OR that seems unique/innovative. This could be something that you've done yourself, that you've heard of others doing, or simply something that you think would be worth trying. Feel free to be creative!
4. In a few words, please describe a technique, method, or approach used by gift officers AFTER a prospect meeting that you think would be effective OR that seems unique/innovative. This could be something that you've done yourself, that you've heard of others doing, or simply something that you think would be worth trying. Feel free to be creative!
5. Reflect on the list of role play scenarios that you just read and indicate which three scenarios you would like to practice, during the “Making the Ask” role play section of this workshop. (You will be assigned only one scenario.)
Question 5*
6. Would you be willing to go first in your small group "Making the Ask" role play section?*

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