Custom Workshops
AGN Workshops bring together advancement professionals in a small group setting, allowing them to explore some of the industry’s most important topics in a comprehensive way. Each workshop is facilitated by expert faculty who lead general sessions and interactive breakouts where participants can discuss issues and exchange ideas.
In addition to our workshops open to the public, AGN also offers custom-designed training sessions that empower small teams to learn from experts, sharpen their skills, and develop more effective fundraising strategies. Each workshop is designed for up to 25 participants and pricing starts at $x,xxx.
Workshop topics include:
- Strategic Planning
- Constituency Programs
- Leadership Giving
- Direct Appeals
- Phonathon Management
- Digital Engagement
- Stewardship
- Special Campaigns
- Staff & Volunteers
- Analytics
For more information about our custom workshop product, please email us at [email protected] or call 888.407.5064.