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Poll Results: Staff Development

Research conducted on 01/01/2018

The following data was collected as a part of AGN's ongoing research on industry trends and best practices. It reflects the perspectives, priorities and opinions of active fundraising professionals at educational institutions and other nonprofits. For more information, please contact us at [email protected] or call 888.407.5064.

Have you ever practiced active listening?


How would you rate your listening skills?


How good is your organization at holding individual staff accountable for achieving annual performance goals?


Does your institution set both quantifiable and qualifiable performance goals for individual staff annually?


If you had the choice, would you add an additional staff member or additional budgetary funding to your annual giving program?


How willing are your advancement colleagues to help with annual giving efforts?


Approximately how often do your annual giving and major gift teams meet together?


How integrated are your annual and planned giving communications?


Do your institution's annual and planned giving teams communicate regularly about prospects?


Does your annual giving program have enough resources (staff and budget) to effectively market a loyalty program?

To find additional research and discover other tools for fundraising success, visit AGN's Resource Center or contact us at [email protected] or call 888.407.5064.