Sending Renewal Appeals Early

Posted on 08/01/2024

Inspiring donors to give each and every year is the basic purpose of annual giving programs. That’s one of the reasons why the beginning of a new fiscal year is such a critical time. And, while there is a seemingly endless list of new year priorities to juggle, one of the most important things a program needs to do is to ask last year’s donors to renew their gift. 

But how soon should you begin sending renewal appeals? According to a recent poll, the majority of educational institutions who begin their fiscal years in July, produce their first renewal appeal in September. Some institutions send theirs even earlier. For example, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas sends their first renewal appeal in August. Arianne Yago-Kippen, Director of Annual Giving at UNLV, explains that they do this to establish a “strong fundraising foundation early on” and make room for additional appeals later in the fall. 

As you think about when to send your first renewal appeal, take a moment to consider all of the reasons why it’s so important to get it out the door early. Here are 6.

1. Get Ahead of the Game

You can never predict what might happen later in the year—world events, changes in the economy, or other unforeseen challenges. Sending renewal appeals early ensures that you’re not caught unprepared by external disruptions. Getting ahead of the curve gives you flexibility and keeps your program on track.

2. Create Momentum

When your team starts strong, it sets the tone for the entire year. Sending appeals early not only boosts the morale of staff, volunteers, and boards but also builds a sense of forward momentum. There’s nothing like seeing early gifts come in to create enthusiasm and confidence in the rest of your fundraising efforts.

3. They’re the Most Responsive Segment

Donors who gave last year are your most engaged supporters. Renewal donors are more likely to respond to your initial outreach because they already have a relationship with your institution. By reaching out to them early, you capitalize on this engagement and increase the likelihood of a positive response.

4. They’re the Least Expensive Segment

Renewing last year’s donors is also one of the most cost-effective fundraising strategies. These donors are familiar with your institution, so it takes less effort to secure their support. Sending renewal appeals early helps you secure gifts while minimizing your program’s costs.

5. Avoid a Crowded Field

Later in the fall, many organizations ramp up their fundraising efforts. By sending your renewal appeals early, you avoid competing for attention with a crowded field of appeals from other nonprofits, institutions, and organizations. It gives your message a better chance of standing out.

6. Create Space for Second Asks

When you send your first appeal early, you create opportunities to engage donors later in the year for additional support. An early gift leaves room for follow-up appeals or special campaigns, such as matching gift challenges or Giving Days. These second or even third touches can significantly boost your overall fundraising success.

Start your fiscal year with a solid foundation by prioritizing the renewal of last year’s donors. This way you tap into your most loyal and cost-effective supporters but also cultivate the momentum to carry you through the rest of the year. Don’t wait for the fall rush—send your first appeal early.

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